What is TOUR DE ROAR? [To Roar is to…1. To utter a loud, deep cry or
howl, as in excitement, to make a loud sound…] the acronym also stands for (Rhapsody of Anointed Realities) Hence we’re being loud about who we are. Below is our vehicle for accomplishing this…. is CYCLING.

Tour de Roar is our signature fundraising event for indigent children in the world’s inner cities. While engaging in our favourite sport, we raise funds for charitable work and the sole benefit of indigent children in the world’s inner cities.This is because we believe that “every child is our child” and are committed to spreading hope to the vulnerable inner city children, as we cycle for their cause.

Organize Cycling Events​

“TOUR DE ROAR” We organize cycling events, reaching every one in our community, and our intentions is to be really loud about what do and what we are about. We’re changing the mental well being in our community, and the tools for achieving this is our various ministry
materials, and Our rhapsody of realities is one the materials we use. The cycling event is what brings them in.


Cycling To Make A Difference